Muscle Temple 2010-2014
und• er |ˈəndər| |ˌʌndə| re• alˈrē(ə)l| |ri(ə)l| |riːl| 2008
auvirkomma veiklinga 2006
hold me 2004
erase my skin 2003
mad 2001
[curatorial work]
a city is a body (I am a city)
Exhibition at Christianssands Kunstforening April 25th-May 16th.
Opening hours 12-4 PM. Mondays closed.
The multiprojection installation is based on recordings from different cities, and deals with the relationship between identity and place. Through broken narratives and at the same time dealing with syncronicity, the project utilizes time, the city and the actor (the body) as equal protagonists. Part of the exhibition will be projected as large scale moving images on part of the library building in Kristiansand at night, thus the viewer can enter the work inside the gallery context during daytime or as part of the facade of the city at night.
Instead of making self-portraits Tronsmo stages actors inside her own adaptation of a place or a situation, thus the actors deals with the city as a character in meeting with their role. Their emotional expression, and the way the video is edited, tells small stories that we can enter; through the architectonical context and the social situation, through an engagement in the characters, or through the relationship between the actor and the character. Due to the manipulative directing the social situation during the filming and the fictous situation of the character, becomes parallel narratives.
The video installation consists of four screens on tree walls, installed so that the viewer in surrounded by the work. This video shows the material from all the four screens enter one from Goro Tronsmo on Vimeo.
Link to documentation of the exhibition here here
The project is done in collaboration with Iver Findlay
Concept and direction: Goro Tronsmo
With: Louise Peterhoff, Sara Turpin, Julia Zyto, Mathias Wiik
Photo: Iver Findlay
Komposer: Hildur I. Gudnadóttir
Supported by Arts Council Norway/Norwegian Filmfund and Vest-Agder Fylkeskommune