Muscle Temple 2010-2014
und• er |ˈəndər| |ˌʌndə| re• alˈrē(ə)l| |ri(ə)l| |riːl| 2008
auvirkomma veiklinga 2006
hold me 2004
erase my skin 2003
mad 2001
[curatorial work]
a city is a body (I am a city)
"Untitled documentation I" is based on the performance "mad" from 2001. The performance was a large success in Norway and Sweden and was the starting point on a professional career for many of the at the time untrained actors. The same group of people met in 2007 to document the performance, the process, the friendships and familiarity that took place six years earlier. The video portraits the now established actors encounter with the characters that had meant so much to them, filled with the seriousness and maturity of the coming of age, and how nostalgia in interaction with method acting blurs reality.
Concept and direction: Goro Tronsmo
The original performance is based on texts by Jeremy Weller/The Grassmarket project
With: Liv Mjönes, Sara Turpin, Julia Zyto, Dan Haeberlein, Johan Rödin, Zandra Eriksson, David Valentin and Harald Lönnbro
Photo: Ignas Krunglevicius
Editing: Ignas Krunglevicius, Iver Findlay and Goro Tronsmo
Supported by Arts Council Norway-Stageart and New Technology